Monday, August 29, 2011

A Family's Journey

By Steph Boehmer, Assistant House Manager - Chicago Avenue
Ronald McDonald House inside Children's Hospital, Minneapolis

When I arrived to work at RMH-Chicago Ave this afternoon, I was met with great news. A little boy who had undergone major heart surgery had been discharged after morning rounds and the family had headed home. I couldn’t help but reflect back on the difficult journey I witnessed the family endure in just a matter weeks and found great joy in the positive outcome. I had first met this family when they walked through the door the evening prior to their son’s surgery. The mom was exhausted; which was evident in her stance and eyes. The child's father was doing his best to provide whatever comfort he could to mom. Together they explained they were in search of somewhere to get a good night of rest before the rough day they had ahead of them. Sleeping bedside provided no relief due to the constant beeping of machines, nurses passing by on rounds and lack of a comfortable bed. While filling out the registration sheet, the mother struggled to focus on the information provided on the form. The dad stood patiently beside her, guiding her through each portion. I walked them to their overnight room and as I opened the door and turned on the lights, an instant look of relief washed over their faces as they took in the sight of the warmly decorated room with a queen sized bed and private bathroom. The dad exclaimed it was exactly what they needed, while mom expressed heartfelt thanks. The family faced many ups and downs following the surgery, but were able to find refuge in the house; staying many nights in the overnight room and using the hospitality area for meals and respite. There was an evident change in the child's mother, who soon went from looking tired and weary to rejuvenated and focused. Just last night, the father, with a huge smile on his face, came to inform me it would probably be their last night at the House, as they were expecting to be able to return home the next day. I later saw the parents with their older daughter out on the patio enjoying one last Cooks For Kids meal, talking, laughing and looking carefree. It was a complete 180 from the first night I had met the family. Stories like theirs are a great illustration of the journey a family can take, and how the comforts of home can aid them in facing challenges head-on. I feel honored I get to witness the spirit and resiliency of these families, and I will never grow tired of celebrating with them upon hearing that their child is being discharged.

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